pitch n. 1.沥青;含有沥青的物质;松脂,树脂。 2.人工合成沥青;人造树脂。 mineral [Jew's] pitch 地沥青。 pitch black [darkness] 漆黑(的)。 Touch pitch, and you will be defiled. [You can't touch pitch without being defiled.] 近墨者黑。 vt. 用沥青涂。 vt. 1.扔,投,抛,掷;【棒球】投球。 2.插(桩等),搭(帐篷等),扎(营),铺(路),布置(场面等),安顿(住处)。 3.〔常用 p.p.〕整顿,安排(阵容等);【音乐】为…定音高[定调]。 4.〔英国〕努力推销(商品);〔口语〕讲(故事)。 P- him out! 把他赶出去!pitch one's tent 安顿帐篷。 a pitched battle 激战,互有准备的对阵战。 pitch a note 定音高。 pitch attack 攻打。 pitch (a) woo 〔美国〕求爱,搂住亲嘴。 pitch it strong 大吹牛皮。 pitch oneself 〔口语〕坐下来。 pitch sb. over the bar 取消某人的律师资格。 vi. 1.扔,投,掷;【棒球】作投球员;投球。 2.头朝下掉落[倒下] (on into)。 3.【地质学;地理学】(地层等)向前方倾斜,倾斜。 4.(船)前后颠簸纵摇,俯仰 〔cf. roll〕。 5.搭帐篷,露宿;暂住;定居;布置场面。 6.选择,决定 (on upon) 偶然碰见 (on upon)。 7.(蜂等)歇,(马)突然跳起。 8.【机械工程】咬住。 9.吹牛,说大话。 I pitched upon the very house that suited me. 我找到了合适的房子。 pitch in 〔美口〕热情参加,拼命干起来。 pitch into 〔口语〕猛烈攻击;大骂;开始大干特干;大吃大嚼。 n. 1. 投掷;投球;投球距离。 2.(船的)前后颠簸。 3.度,程度;高度;点,顶点,极点;倾斜度;倾斜,坡;【音乐】音高;音高标准;【火箭】俯仰;〔比喻〕态度。 4.【机械工程】节,齿距,节距,螺距,间距;【板球】柱的间隔;【航空】螺距〔飞机螺旋浆一次旋转的前进距离〕。 5.(路边)零售摊;摆售商品量。 the pitch of an arch 拱高。 the axial pitch 轴节。 the pitch of a saw 锯齿节,(锯的)齿距。 a concert pitch 【音乐】高[低]音调。 a high [low] pitch sound 高[低]音。 cry out at the utmost pitch of one's voice 尽量地大声叫。 The voices rose to a deafening pitch. 声音大得震耳欲聋。 at concert pitch 处于高效能状态。 in there pitching 〔美口〕拚命地干。 make a pitch for 〔美口〕为…说项。 pitch for the tape 〔美国〕赛跑的最后冲刺。 queer the pitch for sb. =queer sb.'s pitch 〔口语〕暗中破坏某人计划。 take up one's pitch 回到自己原位;保持一定限度。 to the highest [lowest] pitch 到最高[最低]限度。
The pitch was a mud bath after the heavy rain . 大雨过后球场成了泥潭。
The pitch depends on the frequency . 音调的高低是由频率决定的。
The police dragged the football fans off the pitch . 警察把足球迷拖出了球场。
Rain had made the pitch rather dead . 场地因雨而阻力增大。
The match had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged . 那场比赛因场地汪水只好取消。
The roll erection system now comes into play and provides an ever-increasing torque about the pitch axis . 侧摆修正系统开始工作,并绕俯仰轴提供一不断增加的力矩。
When a position gyro is used in the pitch plane the missile is usually launched at a set elevation . 当位置陀螺用在俯仰平面上的时候,导弹通常以一个设定的仰角发射。
Identical autopilots are used to control the pitch and yaw motions if the missile has two planes of symmetry . 如果导弹有两个对称面,则使用相同的自动驾驶仪控制俯仰和偏航运动。
She carried her heroism to the pitch of knitting socks for the forthcoming baby, although to do so made her heart palpitate uncomfortably . 她自告奋勇地为即将出生的婴儿编织袜子,虽然做这件事也使得她的心不安地突突狂跳。